High Quality Aerosol Packing for all type of products
Quality assurance and best practice in aerosol packing
European Standards
158 Years Experience
Economic Production Performance
Compliant with Legislative Requirements
Quality Aerosol Fillers
Contract aerosol filling with safety in mind
Chemlink opened its doors in March 2014 with 4 retired business partners who banded together with approximately 150 years combined experience in the aerosol industry.
The company was launched to meet the needs of smaller businesses looking to develop aerosol products, established corporate companies that don’t have aerosol filling facilities, multinationals who outsource their overruns and companies with unusual production volumes.
With a diverse customer base, Chemlink SA adopts a strict code of conduct and confidentiality with each and every client. Integrity is of paramount importance to the business.
As a Contract Packer, Chemlink is fully aware that our clients rely on us for quality products. So it is our goal to pack their products to the total satisfaction of the consumer's needs, requirements and expectations.
Continuous implementation and maintenance of machinery with quality standards of products produced, which makes our goal achievable.
Chemlink SA is committed to it's ongoing maintenance of production equipment to ensure reliability and effectiveness. Continuous training and development to enable staff members to gain the confidence to play their part in achieving all quality objectives and ensure client and consumer satisfaction.
Chemlink SA (Pty) Ltd is committed to provide a safe and healthy work environment for the protection of its most vital assets, its employees. The safety of employees is of the greatest importance to all levels of management. The principle, “SAFETY FIRST”, is practiced at all times.
Chemlink implement high performance and state of the art machinery to keep up with the demands of clients, utilizing best practice in machine maintenance and production control
Chemlink is a fully compliant ISO 9001:2015 factory, as well as a member of the Aerosol Manufacturer's Association (AMA)
Chemlink SA
Our Plant & Facilities
Chemlink's Current capacity is 2 million units per month, with an average produces of 1,6 million units.